Headaches & Migraines

The treatment of headaches and migraines has become an area of special interest in our practice. One of the biggest reasons we have such a high success rate with the treatment of headaches and migraines is the realisation that in most cases of long term headaches and migraines the patient will require a multi-disciplinary approach to get a successful outcome. This multi-disciplinary approach involves GP’s, Dentists, Optometrists, Naturopaths, Dietitians, Endocrinologists etc…

We have identified eight key areas that need to be considered when treating headaches and migraines;

  1. Biomechanical – joints, nerves, and muscles
  2. Dental – jaw alignment & function, wisdom teeth & dental health
  3. Hormonal – especially related to menstrual cycle
  4. Stress – mental and emotional stress
  5. Nutritional – food allergies & intolerances, excess & deficiencies, dehydration, appropriate dietary choices.
  6. Medical – various diseases, side effects from medication
  7. Genetic – family history (some families have a strong predisposition.)
  8. Eye – eye strain, incorrect glasses.